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I have been sick for 3 months now. At the end of May I came down with what I thought was a nasty cold. Two weeks later a doctor told me I had pneumonia. Now, in September, I'm still fighting my lungs for air and coughing violently enough to pull most of the muscles in my back and blow a vein in my ass causing me to bleed scarily into the toilet. I have days where getting out of bed takes a fight, and a simple trip to the store or a walk around the neighborhood wears me out completely. I can't breathe in air conditioning and drinking anything cold makes my airway contract ( what fun this summer has been.) None of the painting or gardening we'd planned got done this year. I'm seeing my doctor for the 5th time in 3 months, though my chest x-rays 2 months ago showed nothing unusual (?!?) , I'm on 2 inhalers, allergy meds, 2 nose sprays, expectorants, expensive vitamin b-complex& iron pills for my energy levels, vitamin shots that are big enough to enoculate a rhinocerous, herbal drops to help heal the lung tissue, Prevacid for the nasty acid reflux all the coughing has given me, homeopathic remedies, and acupuncture.
I am a tough broad, but I cried today from the frustration. I really don't think I can take much more of this and come out of it ok. I see my personality changing, I have no concentration any more. My at home studies in gemology have been set aside completely. I forget what I've just read by the time I get to the questions. I blew 3 interviews with Blue Nile jewelry, who knows what I said to them. Worse than any of this, Chris is being affected negatively. He loves me as much as I love him, and can only be patient with me. I would have lost my patience with me LONG AGO. It makes me want to punch holes in the walls because I can't make up for this, or apologise. Short of having a witch doctor sacrifice animals and spit gasoline at me, I'm doing everything I can to get well.
My mom has been sick constantly for decades. She is no longer the same person, her original personality has been chewed away as she struggles constantly to get healthy. I know also, the effect this has had on me. I cannot, will not go there with my marriage and friendships.
All I can ask is that people continue to be patient with me and sometimes for me. If I'm being a bitch for god sakes tell me and we'll duke it out.
and thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*GREATBIGHUGS* WE love you, sick or no...however, we are not above kidnapping you to bring to the land of HEALTHCARE!!!!
You just happen to be the best Olive we know so there.

5/9/05 6:26 PM


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