I have been searching for extra long boot laces for my new boots! YAY!! New boots! Boots that actually fit my freakish calves. The shoelaces need to be a wee bit longer to make that work. One would think finding plain black extra long boot laces in the vast series of tubes that is the interweb would be easy. Not so much. Here's what I did find: stethoscopes....I don't get it either, tip jar stripper shoes, many different kinds of curly laces that "never need to be tied!" ( sad, sad, sad ) and this guy .
I'm still looking.
Awwww....Ian is so cute!
29/3/07 6:36 PM
I like the ones with lipstick.
29/3/07 7:06 PM
this will be the ultimate time san francisco escorts Seahawks fanatics will see Fitzgerald.
27/12/18 10:56 PM
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