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I have the misfortune to be on a bus line that goes past a high school. I should know better than to ride between 2 and 4pm. I HATE TEENAGERS. I hated being a teenager, I wouldn't let anybody call me a teenager I hated the word so much.
Anyway, holy crap they're obnoxious! Leaving one side of the bus to get away from the screeching teenage girls on their cel phones only brought me closer to the group of teenage boys calling them selves and each other "niggah" instead of using "I" or "you". When a friend of theirs got on at a later stop a chorus of "hey niggah!" greeted him, to which he yelled " hey niggahs!" back.
OK, I am a whitey-mcwhite-white-mayo-and-wonderbread-norweigian-lutefisk eating-sit in a sauna and slap your self with branches in the snow afterwards crazy old woman. That being said...
I really believe some words will NEVER gain acceptance, regardless of how much misguided, walking hormone bomb 'they say it in movies so it must be ok' teenagers repeat them.
I really believe these kids had little to no concept of the weight and nastiness words can have. I also believe none of them say that in front of their parents. Maybe if they did a lesson or two from not so distant history could be passed down.
In the mean time, all of us plus sized girls should get together.
"Hiya fat bitch!" " "Hey you bacon eatin' hooor!"
Think it'll offend anyone?


Blogger snusnu said...

Shall we start doing a size shout out? Instead of saying you or I or each others names, we can just say, hey! Size 16! Not quite the same bite though...

16/12/05 11:43 AM


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