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As the coughing continues, I spend more time in doctors offices than anyone would like. Yesterday, for the first time, I had allergy testing. I'm allergic to none of 36 things they tried. Tomorrow I get a CT scan of my sinuses. Whee! 36 needles came nowhere near to bugging me as much as being weighed.
It's always the same, I have to train new doctors to respect the fact that I don't want to know the number on the scale. Stupid though it may be, that number can ruin my day.
The nurse ( who couldn't tip the scales herself at more than 95 pounds ) takes my temperature, blood pressure, etc...and asks me to get on the scale, I inform her I will only do so if she agrees to let me keep my back to the scale and not to tell me my weight.
"Aww, why don't you want to know your weight?" dissapointed, mystified even, scales are a friend of hers from way back, I can tell.
Then I notice the name tag she's wearing. TINY. Her name is TINY. I shit you not.
TINY continues to stare at me. Her eyes are huge. Or maybe her head is just small, I don't know. I stare, TINY stares, I stare. It's a stare off.
In the end, I win!
I'm bigger.


Blogger shellswick said...

That would only happen in AngieWorld (which i am happy to be a part of)...I hope you spit in her eye.

22/2/06 9:35 PM

Blogger snusnu said...

I have had this very same argument for YEARS with my doctor's office. Thank God the MA finally remembers me and doesn't tell me my weight anymore unless I ask.

23/2/06 10:59 AM


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